Stories from the global Generation community.

Seema, India
Seema was just 27 or 28 years old when her husband of about the same age took tragically ill. A week later, he died in hospital. He left her bereft, with 3 very young children.
Seema’s decision to join the Generation India’s General Duty Assistant program marked a turning point in her life.
Read storyEarly Generation graduates reflect on their journeys over the past few years
In 2014, we started our first pilots, followed by full launch in 2015 in India, Kenya, Mexico, Spain, and the US. Today, Generation has grown to drive improved economic mobility through programs in 17 countries. The more than 125,000 graduates from those programs have collectively earned more than $1.5 billion in life-changing salaries.
Stories from Kenya: David
David was in his second year of university in Nakuru, Kenya studying marketing when the pandemic hit. When the city went into lockdown, classes were canceled (and would remain so for over a year). As the weeks turned into months and there was no sign of the universities reopening anytime soon, David began to seek employment.
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“Generation has provided me with the skill and opportunity I never would have had otherwise. Now I’m on a new career path and my future is bright.”
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Hear what else our graduates are saying
“Generation seriously changed my life.”
“Generation changed my life. I can think of myself as upper class right now.”
“Because I’ve been amassing wealth, I’ve been able to buy my own car and house. I was financially in a position to start a family. I’m now blessed with a beautiful daughter. I am very thankful for the opportunity that was given to me by Generation.”
“I wouldn’t have gotten into this company if I wouldn’t have gotten into Generation, Generation has given me the ability to explore who I am and what the future has in store for me.”
“I found out there’s actually quite a lot of women joining the tech industry, you just don’t hear about it. That got me really thinking, if they can do it, why can’t I be given the opportunity? You didn’t need any formal qualifications when joining the program. You didn’t need to know anything about tech. So that was very shocking for me. It was so amazing and literally anyone could do it.”
“Now I will do work and support my family. Generation was the best thing I can say that happened to me. It is the best step of my life.”