
Ana Isabel | Spain

Can someone with a background in Linguistics learn Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in 12 weeks and end up working in that field? The answer is yes. With motivation, a unique methodology, and the guidance of outstanding mentors, such a career transition is possible.

Meet Ana Isabel, a graduate of the RPA program, which was developed by Generation Spain together with EOI Business School, and co-financed by the European Social Fund.

What did you do before joining the rpa program? What did you study?

I graduated university with a degree in Linguistics in 2014 and, since then, I’ve been living in various countries and learning different things. From 2019 until the time I joined Generation’s RPA program I worked as a Spanish tutor.

What were your plans for the future? Where did you see yourself?

The truth is that, when you are unemployed, your sole focus is to search for a stable job. So, in the next 5 years, I saw myself having found that stable job I yearned for.

How did you hear about generation?

I received a phone call from the employment office in my city about the RPA program Generation Spain was offering and I didn’t hesitate to join it.

What did you expect from the RPA program?

I expected it to be a program similar to others I had taken. I expected to learn new things, but not in such a personalized way and so focused on employability as it turned out to be.

What memories do you have from the first day of the program?

I remember the uncertainty and the unknown one experiences when starting something new, but also the openness and motivation to learn.

Has the program helped you learn more about the RPA sector?

Of course! Before the program, the acronym RPA was new to me. I knew nothing about the sector, and during the program I was able to gain a basic understanding about this field.

What skills did you develop?

I believe that during the program I have not only acquired technical skills, but I’ve also boosted my self-confidence during job interviews.

Did you make any friends during the program?

I did! Sharing these months of learning have enabled us to bond and become friends, and we supported each other during our job search even after graduating from the program.

Are you working right now? If yes, are you happy in your role?

Yes, I’m currently working at Atos. After graduating from the program we were lucky that Generation connected us with some companies, Atos being one of them, which were interested in hiring us. I was very grateful to be selected by Atos to join their RPA team.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself in the same company, developing projects with my team and learning more every day. My expectations are no longer to find a job, but to keep growing in the company I work for.

What do you value the most about Generation’s programs?

What I value the most about the RPA program I graduated from, besides the skills I have acquired, are the connections with employers that Generations facilitates. In the end, that is what helps the most, because the hardest thing to do when searching for a job is to get noticed by employers who are looking to hire profiles similar to yours.

Generation’s programs stand out for the professional visibility they offer to their graduates. I would recommend the RPA program, and any other that Generation Spain offers. to young people who are looking to transition into a more meaningful career.