Gisell | Colombia

Resilience as a Life Mantra
Growing up in Colombia, Gisell was one of three children — a proud eldest sister to her two younger brothers. Her family lived comfortably until her parents divorced, an event that caused significant economic challenges for the entire family. Her grandparents provided emotional support as they adjusted to their new reality, but her family struggled financially, with the added impact of bankruptcy making it difficult to pay bills and meet basic needs. Gisell moved from a private school to the local public school in order to graduate. This marked the beginning of a series of new chapters with a key theme connecting them — resilience.
Resilience became Gisell’s life mantra, a guiding principle that helped her navigate through tough times. She enrolled in a technology course at a public university , but soon found herself without the means to finish her degree. Determined not to let this setback define her future, Gisell taught herself the basics of programming and applied to different jobs, but was stuck in the cycle of needing the necessary experience for entry-level positions. She recalls the difficulty of this period saying, “I tried many times to find a job, and I didn’t succeed.”
A Turning Point
Faced with these challenges, Gisell continued her self-education but didn’t know how to break out of this cycle. Then she discovered Generation Colombia, an opportunity that would change her life. Encouraged by her mother, Gisell applied and was accepted after a thorough application process. “When I found out that I got into Generation, I was very happy because I knew it was the only way to get ahead,” she said.
Gisell enrolled in Generation Colombia’s Full Stack Java Developer program. The bootcamp not only provided her with the technical skills needed to pursue her dream career, but also boosted her confidence as she sharpened her skills.“Generation helped me a lot in soft skills, to understand how to be more professional in an interview, how to present myself in a job, how to make my resume. Before, I didn’t know how to do that,” she said.
Support and Success
Gisell fondly remembers her bootcamp experience and the unwavering support she received: “What impressed me the most was the technical instructor and that the whole Generation team was always very willing to help us along the way. I was very impressed with all the employability support; we had coaches that supported us and made the path easier.”
With Gisell’s newly acquired skills and Generation’s connections to employers, she landed her a job as a QA Automator in a contractor role at Fundación Capital. Following a successful period of contract work, she recently secured a full-time position at the same company. “The day I received the email from Fundación Capital, saying that I had been selected, I cried with tears of happiness.. “When they told me that they wanted me to continue working in the company, I felt very proud of myself,”,” she said.
A Bright Future
Gisell’s life after Generation is significantly brighter, characterized by peace and tranquility. “Having a job and a stable income has brought me much more peace in life. I sleep peacefully and wake up motivated,” she said.
Gisell takes pride in her job, and the opportunity to work remotely fits her current needs perfectly. Her outlook on the future is now more optimistic than ever before. “I envision a future filled with success and personal growth. Through hard work and the opportunities I’ve been given, I have gained the confidence to pursue and achieve my dreams,” she said
Gisell’s newfound economic stability has enabled her to support her family in various ways as well. Her younger brothers look up to her as a role model, and she now has the means to assist her mother, as well as afford essential items she previously couldn’t. “I can now contribute to our household expenses and utilities.“With my income, I’m also saving more towards my career goals. The first thing I purchased was a mobile phone,” she said.
Dreaming Big
Confident in her career and life prospects, Gisell encourages others to dream big. “Dreams can come true. To be able to work from home, to be able to do something that I am passionate about — I saw it as out of reach before Generation, but after Generation I saw it as possible.”
Reflecting on her experience, Gisell calls out the gratitude she feels for the opportunity to learn in a supportive environment, “I am so grateful to Generation. Sign up and believe in yourself — you can do it! The teachers are amazing, and the employability support and coaching are top-notch. They are always supportive. Generation helps you get a job, and you never feel alone or lost.”
Gisell is passionate about encouraging women to pursue tech careers. “As a woman, I suffered many times from gender discrimination, and now I’m working in my dream job. I would encourage all women: if you want an opportunity to change your life, apply to Generation.”