Arunesh Kumar Singh

Generation India

Arunesh Kumar Singh is the Chief Executive Officer of Generation India. In a non-profit leadership career that spans more than two decades, his work has championed social issues in multiple sectors including Youth Employability, Public Health (Family Planning, Non-Communicable Diseases, MCH, Eye Care), WASH and Micro Finance.

As the CEO of Generation India, his focus has been to build a strong team, build sustainable program models, and forge long-term and sustainable partnerships with governments, corporates, training partners, and funders to scale the program in India.

Prior to joining Generation, Arunesh was Chief of Party of the USAID funded SHOPS Plus Project (Sustaining Healthcare Outcomes through the Private Sector) at Abt Associates where he led multi-sectoral partnership initiatives to increase awareness and use of safe sexual reproductive practices among Indian youth. In his previous role at Population Services International, he led WASH programs including a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded sanitation and fecal sludge management program.

He has extensive experience of working with various donor agencies, governments, and the corporate sector including multi-national foundations.