Generation ranks #59 in 2024 list of top 200 social good orgs

Generation ranks among the top 200 social good organizations (SGOs) in the world, according to thedotgood, a platform that connects innovative initiatives in the social good sphere. This year, Generation appears 59th on the list, 3 positions higher than in 2023.

The ranking is the result of a research and evaluation process that reviews social good organizations against three pillars: impact, innovation, and governance. The process uses public data and is conducted by a multidisciplinary team from a variety of locations and languages.

The 2024 Top 200 list includes high impact organizations such as BRAC (#1), Open Society Foundations (#2), JA Worldwide (#5), Ashoka (#7). Generation’s ranking places it among the top 10 SGOs in the world with a specific focus on education, employment, and/or economic mobility, together with RARE (#17), Barefoot College (#19), and Room to Read (#31), among others.


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