Generation for employers
We work closely with employers to deliver a broad pipeline of skilled talent that is ready to have impact. Our program creates real business value for employers and lasting career impact for participants.

We deliver for employers
employers have hired from Generation globally
of employers would definitely hire Generation graduates again
of our employers think that Generation graduates perform at a similar or higher level than their peers
of our employed graduates over the last 12 months were hired by repeat employers
Some of our partners that are benefiting from having hired engaged Generation graduates

What is an employer for Generation?
With our programs, we solve a wide range of employer challenges – skilled talent shortages, problems with on-the-job performance, reskilling needs, and higher turnover in important roles – with our unique approach and our determined graduates.
We work with our employer partners to ensure they have access to this unique talent pipeline and can meet their entry-level hiring needs.
Problems we solve
Talent scarcity
Generation offers a reliable pipeline of skilled talent who are ready to add value to your team from Day 1. And we support HR teams throughout the hiring process, saving them time and money. Sometimes there just aren’t enough qualified candidates for the jobs you need to fill. Generation offers a reliable pipeline of highly-skilled talent that’s ready quickly since our bootcamp style programs last a matter of weeks.
On-the-job performance
Our rigorous selection process and demand-based skills training ensures that all our candidates understand the role and are committed to building their career in the sector. Our training provides intensive practice in the most important skills for the job and 94% of our employers say Generation candidates perform as well or better than their peers. When new hires start, they can struggle to get up-to-speed. Generation’s training requires extensive practical training and methodology ensures the most important activities so that our graduates can perform from day one on the job.
High turnover
Generation prepares candidates for the demands of the job and we provide mentorship and support so that they stay on the job for the long term. Managing churn in entry-level roles can be uniquely challenging. Generation ensures our graduates are highly motivated and committed, and then provides mentorship and support during the first months of employment so that they stay on the job for the long term.
Automation and digitization are changing the nature of work and the skills required. Generation partners with employers to reskill workers for new, in-demand roles, either at their current workplace or in a different industry/employer altogether.
Let’s start a conversation
We want to work with you to meet your talent needs.